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We need a set of rules, or laws, to abide by. We can't just tell people we are the gods of thought, and they must perform as we say, or else. There needs to be guidelines established that we can show these people," Tom was saying."I can help there, I think. I am a lawyer, after all. While this type of law is not my specialty, I think I can cobble together a workable system. I can include some sort of checks and balances, also, to make sure we don't run amok," Debra piped up from her spot."Good. I want in on that process, Debra," Courtney said immediately.For the next couple of months things went along smoothly for a change. My factory was up and running, and I already had a couple orders. I had hired a few more people and now had a total of ten people working for me.One of the things I had discovered when starting my business, was that people expected a lot of perks as part of their pay. I added up everything, and decided that some of it was ridiculous. I finally decided on what I. I pushed at his hands, but hecaught my wrists and pinned them over my head. “Hold still,” he growled in my ear before biting down hard on my neck. I cried out at the sharp pain. “Stop,” I pleaded when he let up, once again kissing down my neck. One of his hands reached down to toy with the hem of my skirt. “Please, you can’t.” He froze, chuckling against my skin. “Silly girl, I can do whatever I wish.” “No!” I tried to pull away again but his weight held me down. “Be still, or I’ll have to punish you,” he whispered in my ear, almost as if he were daring me to fight him again. “Please, you can’t do this,” I whispered. He laughed again. “You didn’t read that work contract you signed, did you? You agreed to be mine for a year, Mia. To do whatever I want you to do. To take whatever punishment I see fit for your mistakes.” “No, no I didn’t!” “Yes, you did sweet girl. So, I can do whatever I want to you. I can tie you to my bed and fuck you whenever I wish. I can take away all your.
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